Our Story

Fresh. Never Frozen.


About Us

Having working in design & advertising for over a decade with local restaurants and small business owners, we've seen their victories, their everyday pain points, and have come to know what matters most. So, while we can't be in the kitchen, or help fill a role on your staff, we can provide great service and support to help keep you running smoothly.

We're a still-sort-of-young couple with a dog, and no kids...yet. We work with amazing talented freelance photographers, designers, and developers around the country to help us meet our customers' goals.

We started Iodized to bring awesome yet affordable services & tools to owners in order for them to maximize their entire online presence.

Why the name "Iodized"? Because just like your carton of Morton's states, we focus on the "essential nutrients" to help fortify your online presence, and keep it healthy.

Justin Collins

Design Chef | Founder

Justin has been working with local restaurants for a little over a decade, helping them manage and improve all of their branding, advertising, and marketing efforts. He's also the one who comes up with all the puns you see on here.

Shannon Greene

Marketing Sommelier | Co-Founder

Oh Miss Greene, you make our hearts sing. She's the personality of the group. Texas-loud and proud.


Product Tester | Good Boy

Loves everything, especially if it has a taste. Once had an outstanding warrant for unpaid barking tickets.


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